This cutting-edge system enables you to maximize your ability to realize the value of economic incentives. From customized reporting to critical date management, IncenTrak® empowers you to take control of your economic incentives. Let IncenTrak® take control of your economic incentives and help you save time and money. Please contact us for a demo of IncenTrak®.
The IncenTrak® dashboard provides an immediate snapshot of your entire portfolio of locations. From critical dates to performance metrics, the dashboard will help you think strategically about how to optimize your economic incentives.
IncenTrak® allows you to track all of your economic incentive program information including job creation, capital investment, forecasted receivables, documents, contacts and other relevant incentive data. You have a single location to quickly find all of your program information.
From email alerts to detailed reporting, IncenTrak® provides the platform to make sure you never miss a critical date again. Assign responsibilities to your team members to minimize your risk of falling out of compliance.
The portfolio summary report will provide you with the critical financial information needed for financial planning and budgeting. The report will summarize receivables by economic incentive type including tax abatements, tax credits, training grants and other valuable incentive programs.
Get connected to try a demo of our economic incentive management software.