Site Selection Group located in Dallas, Texas

Dewey Evans a Director within the Industrial and Economic Development Division of Site Selection Group. He is located in Greenville, South Carolina, and supports corporate site selection projects and economic development consulting efforts, primarily through site and infrastructure assessments and GIS spatial analyses.

Dewey launched his career in site selection at Quest Site Solutions (formerly McCallum Sweeney Consulting). Additionally, he provided economic development services for clients including the Iowa Economic Development Authority, Gulf Power’s Florida First Sites Program, and the Duke Energy Site Readiness Program.

Prior to his time in site selection, Dewey worked in community and economic development, serving as program manager for Ten at the Top, a regional strategic planning organization with a focus on economic and entrepreneurial vitality, sustainable growth, and community vibrancy. He engaged stakeholders throughout a ten-county region in the Upstate of South Carolina as he led development of programming for regional initiatives.

Dewey’s business experience also includes management of sales and marketing operations in the fundraising industry. Additionally, he provided financial analysis for a unit of one of the U.S.’s largest electric power utilities where his work included data aggregation and analysis for annual budget proposal and presentation.


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
With a Minor in Supply Chain Management
Appalachian State University, 2015